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We are excited about 2024 Unity Projects!

Our current fundraising strategies are focused on Leaders and those who will lead. Prayerfully, as each leader is served, they, in turn, will serve others at a higher, healthier level of leadership. This will ultimately impact communities across the world one connection at a time. We look forward to strategically launching multiple local and digital outreach efforts to Unite and Serve leaders from all walks of life across the world in the body of believers.
We are thankful for the continued support from volunteers, donors, partners, and sponsors! Without your support, we know that we would not be able to achieve the mission:

To Unite the Kingdom of God, One Connection at a Time

We cannot accomplish this without you. We wouldn't want to do any of it without you, either! We know we need  help and are grateful for your Yes to do so.
Thank you in advance for your heart for others!
Every connection matters.
Remember we are stronger together and you are not alone.

Unity Projects

Kingdom Connection Virtual Event

Leaders are always busy!
So, we created the space and facilitated the connections for a virtual event this last year where leaders could practice the "Pause", learn from other leaders, and make new connections as well!
Over 25 leaders collaborated together to bring 20 leadership sessions over the course of 5 months! These sessions are jam-packed with sound counsel, skills, tips, and so much more!
Catch the #replays and share these out!

One Accord Prayer Movement

Through our United prayer outreach, KIU has partnered with ministry leaders across the body of believers to provide strategic, focused prayer!
7 Part Series for weekly, united together time in prayer Now Available!
Add it to your weekly strategy plan by simply downloading the App on your mobile device to stay united in prayer on-the-go! Add the TV Channel App on your Amazon Firestick, Apple TV, Roku TV or other Smart TV app device also!
You can also visit our Broadcast Page here on the website, or find the #replay through our Facebook page.

Unity Is Now Leader Interviews

Unity is a vital topic and at the heart of everything we do here at KIU. Our founder, April D. Metzler, invested the month of May in 2023 to host live interviews with 18 leaders  in the Kingdom of God.
Show your support for these leaders by catching the #replay and sharing this collaboration of leader interviews.  Together, they answer lots of difficult questions and candidly address the hard topics around Unity and what hinders it.
Get first-hand strategies, solutions, and ideas right here through our series: