
Mission & Vision

We Are Better & Stronger Together

The Mission

The mission of Kingdom Industries United is to unite the Kingdom of God, one connection at a time to build community, impact culture, equip the business marketplace, collaborate together and expand the Kingdom of God.

Purposeful Intentionality
in Action


We desire to provide common, centralized spaces
(both virtually and in-person)
to connect and network with other brothers and sisters in Christ as we maintain the unity of the Spirit as one body for the glory of God. We will be intentionally doing life together and doing life on purpose with one another.

Worship together, Grow together, Build together, Collaborate together, Create together, Walk together, and more here!

We are here to Unify the efforts of sharing the Love of God in Christ and the Gospel of Jesus to the world.

You are not alone in this walk with God. We are stronger together. Isolation and Division have become the norm in society and culture as a whole.
Change starts with us.
Every single connection matters.


You are valued, known, heard, seen, and loved.

We desire to see every single individual in the body of Christ equipped, trained, strengthened, established, and confirmed in the work that they do for the Kingdom of God.
You are gifted by His grace. (Romans 12)
You have a purpose and a place in the Kingdom Family.
We want to help you grow and learn, even more, in exactly what that looks like in action!
We will continue to invest in time to consider how we can spur you on and stir you up in love and good works that God has called you and gifted you to operate in for His glory alone. Let many stand witness to His love operating in and through you and each of us as we grow closer to Him each new day!
In Him, You can and will
impact the world around you
for the glory of God!

The Vision

The vision of Kingdom Industries United is founded on the biblical principal of Unity and His promise that we are never alone. We are determined to do whatever we can, as far as it depends on us, to live at peace with all. We are walking in Unity as we create spaces for connection opportunities across the world.
The 5 pillar goals of this vision are to
Connect, Unite, Equip, Establish, and Expand


We want to connect with you and connect you to others in the body of Christ across the world to share the Love of God in Christ and the Gospel of Jesus together. We are better and stronger together. We will work diligently to create virtual and in-person spaces of opportunity to really connect and collaborate. In this digital world of so much technology, we hope to facilitate these connections on a world-wide scale.
(not discounting the fellowship see Hebrews 10 and knowing God and purpose see Ephesians 1)


We desire to see the entire body of Christ unified across the world. Through these branches of ministry, we hope to form communities that will last a lifetime! No matter our denomination of preference, theological differences,  etc .  - We can all be in unity as we agree on the value of knowing God and His love for us in Christ Jesus. Yes, indeed! We can all agree on living in peace with all mankind, praying for all mankind, and sharing the Gospel of Jesus with all mankind.
( until we all attain to the unity of the faith see Ephesians 4)


We will continue to work to build & provide connections to many different services, resources, events, and more that facilitate unity in the body of  Christ. This Unity movement will train and equip you to strengthen and increase the impact that you have as you Go forth and make disciples in every nation!
( strengthened by grace, do good, continue in the things you have learned through the Word of God see 2 Timothy 3 and Hebrews 13)


You are loved. God's love is evident in His Son, Jesus Christ. We will connect you with brothers and sisters in Christ that you are similarly aligned with in what God has placed on your heart to do. With opportunities to grow in your walk with the Lord as you walk with others, we hope to confirm you, strengthen you, and encourage you to be even more established in His love for you. We desire to see every person Grounded and Rooted firmly in His love and the hope of His calling that operates in and through the unified body of Christ.
(we will overcome by Faith and Trust in our Lord as we are rooted and grounded in His love see Psalm 27 , Hebrews 11 and Ephesians 3)


Through our efforts to connect you with other like-minded individuals seeking the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, we hope to expand your personal connections with other Kingdom Family members across the world 10-100 fold! Through all we do here at KIU, we also hope to equip you and others in collaborative unity to expand the Kingdom Territory here on earth.
(grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of our Lord Jesus Christ see 2 Peter 1)
In one accord, we can worship the Lord in all that we do for His glory. As we submit to the Lord in everything and dedicate all of our work unto Him, we will see the goodness of God in the land of the living on a global scale!

Connect with us.

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