You are not alone. You are valued.
We are launching new opportunities
to create valuable, authentic connection
in the Kingdom of God as leaders.
Event Details
This year, we hosted virtual monthly gatherings beginning in June as a "soft launch" for the Kingdom Connection Events!
A Note from the Founder: My husband, daughter, and I opened our home "virtually" to provide this space of connection. We are so very thankful to the Lord for all those who were able to attend during the live events and will catch the #replay in the future!
This year, we hosted virtual monthly gatherings beginning in June as a "soft launch" for the Kingdom Connection Events!
A Note from the Founder: My husband, daughter, and I opened our home "virtually" to provide this space of connection. We are so very thankful to the Lord for all those who were able to attend during the live events and will catch the #replay in the future!
What to Expect in all the #replays for the
Each month, we held TWO separate 2-DAY events.
(4 opportunities each month to connect for 5 months = 20 opportunities)
We were going to run these through December, however, the Lord prompted us in late September to shut it down for the year. So, October was our last Connection Event. As He leads, we follow.
Proverbs 16:9 reminder:
"The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps."
(4 opportunities each month to connect for 5 months = 20 opportunities)
We were going to run these through December, however, the Lord prompted us in late September to shut it down for the year. So, October was our last Connection Event. As He leads, we follow.
Proverbs 16:9 reminder:
"The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps."
Every Event Included
Worship | Prayer | Edification | Connection

Leaders were able to participate as an attendee in these amazing meetings in any of the following monthly event dates:
Mondays & Tuesdays
Thursdays & Fridays
5 PM PST | 6 PM MST | 7 PM CST | 8 PM EST
Mondays & Tuesdays
Thursdays & Fridays
5 PM PST | 6 PM MST | 7 PM CST | 8 PM EST

Ready to get Connected?
Catch the #Replay directly in our App and find out where to connect with all the leaders who served at KC2023 online on our
Community Leaders Page
This is the very first year of this, folks! So, as we have sent out invites, here are a few questions we've received in reply:
Do I have to show up for ALL the dates on the calendar?
No! Not at all! These are Open Door Events. You can come and go as you are able to. Can't show up until 7:30 on a Monday and have something going on Tuesday... That's perfectly alright! June is wide open on your schedule but August is super slammed! That's completely ok! There is no obligation to show up to all of these. We just need a head count for the server capacity on the web-conferencing platform. It would be the same if this was in-person, we would need a head count for feeding folks, table/seat count, etc.
So, how long are these connection events?
We are estimating roughly about 1 hour. These are brand new events, so you and our team of fellow servant leaders are building these out together. However, our goal is to honor your time, the time of those who volunteer to serve, and all who help us out with these. So, we will have an itinerary lined out for each connection event to flow in an orderly manner. BUT GOD! Remember, each of us in leadership and volunteer capacities will be yielded to the flow of Holy Spirit. So, it is understood to Come Expecting. God operates in His order, His peace, His strategy, His steps, His ways, and the flow of His will through it all. As we receive, we obey.
What can I expect at these events?
A little bit more of what to expect at these Kingdom Connection Events this year from the founder, April Metzler:
"We are opening our home "virtually" to provide the space for leaders such as yourself to be poured into, encouraged, worship together, pray together, read the Word together, and connect through Breakout Sessions every month from June - December 2023. I look forward to seeing y'all at one of these by the Grace of God in our Lord, Jesus!
I'll be attending them all, God willing, as the founder, however each leader's attendance is flexible. We have registration so we know how many people to accommodate in the space. It will be an honor to catch up with some of you and actually connect for real, instead of simply over social media, through these events. For those I have yet to connect to, I look forward to the opportunity to get to know how you operate in the Kingdom and a little bit about you and what God has placed on your heart in this season about Unity. The opportunity to introduce each of you to other folks in the Kingdom, as God allows time and Holy Spirit leads, of course, is an honor and privilege. I'm excited to see what God does in and through these particular spaces! And we have more to come as we build this organization of the united ekklesia body out. All glory to God alone!"
"We are opening our home "virtually" to provide the space for leaders such as yourself to be poured into, encouraged, worship together, pray together, read the Word together, and connect through Breakout Sessions every month from June - December 2023. I look forward to seeing y'all at one of these by the Grace of God in our Lord, Jesus!
I'll be attending them all, God willing, as the founder, however each leader's attendance is flexible. We have registration so we know how many people to accommodate in the space. It will be an honor to catch up with some of you and actually connect for real, instead of simply over social media, through these events. For those I have yet to connect to, I look forward to the opportunity to get to know how you operate in the Kingdom and a little bit about you and what God has placed on your heart in this season about Unity. The opportunity to introduce each of you to other folks in the Kingdom, as God allows time and Holy Spirit leads, of course, is an honor and privilege. I'm excited to see what God does in and through these particular spaces! And we have more to come as we build this organization of the united ekklesia body out. All glory to God alone!"
If I am a Speaker/Demonstrator of Giftings, How much time commitment are we looking at?
On average, a Speaker/Demonstrator of Gifting will be investing 5-15 minutes for only 1 event. This will depend on what Holy Spirit directs as you commit this to prayerful consideration before the Lord. As Holy Spirit provides your particular deposit of what you will operate in during this time, please reach out if He instructs a longer time frame. We will make the room for His move, always.
SOME SERVANT LEADERS ARE ASKING: "Lord, I will serve, yes, but I need the refreshing, as well. Can I register, too?"
Each person who serves in this capacity is also encouraged to register for the events as a participant. You are a leader, as well, and it is vital that you invest the time to Pause and be Refreshed in the Lord through others, as well. We exhort you to not neglect the fellowship as we connect with one another in the Kingdom of God. Yes, our Lord refreshes our souls, always! It is to be a practice of understanding now that SO DOES the Body of Christ. Even if you can only attend for one day from June to December - you never know how God will move through that one event!
SOME SERVANT LEADERS ARE ASKING: "Lord, I will serve, yes, but I need the refreshing, as well. Can I register, too?"
Each person who serves in this capacity is also encouraged to register for the events as a participant. You are a leader, as well, and it is vital that you invest the time to Pause and be Refreshed in the Lord through others, as well. We exhort you to not neglect the fellowship as we connect with one another in the Kingdom of God. Yes, our Lord refreshes our souls, always! It is to be a practice of understanding now that SO DOES the Body of Christ. Even if you can only attend for one day from June to December - you never know how God will move through that one event!
Extra Encouragement For Your Day!
"The strength of the team is each individual member.
The strength of each member is the team."
- Phil Jackson
"Alone we can do so little;
Together we can do so much!"
- Helen Keller
"Individual commitment to a group effort —
that is what makes a team work, a company work,
a society work, a civilization work."
- Vince Lombardi
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."
- Margaret Mead
"Coming together is a beginning.
Keeping together is progress.
Working together is success."
- Henry Ford
"Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of Him who is the head, that is, Christ.
From Jesus the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work."
- Paul the Apostle (aka Saint Paul)
"Many hands make light work."
- John Heywood
For Questions, contact us via email at