
Kingdom Connection Leaders - Meet Sherry Jones

Meet Sherry Jones

You may recognize the name from a previous blog post for her as a servant leader for our One Accord Prayer Movement Unity Project. If you missed that post, here are some details about Sherry Jones!
Sherry Jones is a certified Christian life coach, author, speaker, podcast host, and
women’s ministry leader. She is passionate about helping women transform their
negative thoughts and words into positive ones rooted in the Word of God. She believes speaking life is a lifestyle we must embrace.
Sherry’s PUSH coaching program empowers women to speak life, push past mindset blocks, and show up as their authentic selves so they can fulfill their God-given assignments. She offers strategy sessions to jumpstart your journey and an 8-week 1:1 coaching program to guide you as you dig deep and heal. Her course, Overcoming Self-Sabotage, is designed to help Christian women discover the root of self-sabotage in their lives so they can overcome it and move forward in the things God is calling them to do.
Sherry has written two books; a Christian fiction novel, Trouble Don’t Last Always and a 21-day devotional, Speak Life Moments. In addition, Sherry hosts the Sherry Speaks Life Podcast, which broadcasts live on Facebook. You can also view the podcast on YouTube and listen on your favorite podcast platform!
 Sherry is the founder of Glory Carriers Women’s Network (GCWN), a Facebook
community for Christian women. The mission of GCWN is to uplift, support, and
encourage Christian women to glorify God in every aspect of their lives.
Sherry served at the Kingdom Connection virtual event in October 2023 for our Leadership Session. It is our honor to introduce her to you!
Visit our Broadcasts Page to find the Kingdom Connection 2023 Series or simply open our app on your favorite device and find all of these helpful resources and more! Let's Connect!

The Kingdom Connection 2023

Connection is a pillar of our vision here at Kingdom Industries United.
The Kingdom Connection virtual events for 2023 (KC2023) is one of our Unity Projects that has been organized and facilitated in our efforts to connect and build relationships across the body of believers! This outreach is intended to demonstrate Kingdom collaboration and connection as leaders from across the nation and world join together to unite and build up one another. Be strengthened, equipped, prayed for, and much more through this resource of sound counsel, tips, advice and the like available here at KIU. Remember, we are stronger together and you are not alone!

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Connect with Sherry

Book with Sherry

Catch Sherry's Interview with the Founder

Outreach Highlight over at GCWN

Red de Mujer Glory Carriers en Español is a new division of Glory Carriers Women's Network that launched January 1, 2024! It is also a private Facebook community that provides daily content and weekday prayers in the Spanish language. We are grateful for this opportunity to expand our vision and provide encouragement and support to more ladies through Red de Mujer Glory Carriers en Español.
Ladies, Click the button below to visit GCWN's new group and get connected!

Support KIU Unity Projects

 Kingdom Industries United is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit public charity dedicated to
Uniting the Kingdom of God, One Connection at a Time in all we do!
Become a supporter of KIU today as we support others in all they do for the glory of God!