
Kingdom Connection Leaders - Meet Paul Ybarra

Meet Paul Ybarra

Paul Ybarra, also known as Coach Paul, is a man of many roles. As he shares on his website, he is a Husband of ONE, a Father of many, and a Pastor who has a deep love for God's people. As a podcast host, speaker, and best-selling author of the book, 100 Power Tips to Set You Free, Paul provides an overflow of next-level mindset shifting resources.
He is also a highly respected coach, dedicated to empowering his clients to activate their assignment, discover their purpose, live their lives, run their businesses, and minister to others in a way that honors God.
Coach Paul's success is built on his unwavering faith in God's principles. He knows that by standing on the foundation of God's word, he can run his business successfully and serve his clients with excellence. As a coach, Coach Paul is committed to each of his clients. He shows up to the best of his abilities and serves with a spirit of excellence. He understands that each person he works with is unique, and he tailors his coaching to meet their individual needs.

Paul served at the Kingdom Connection virtual event in October 2023 for our Leadership Session. It is our honor to introduce him to you!
Visit our Broadcasts Page to find the Kingdom Connection 2023 Series or simply open our app on your favorite device and find all of these helpful resources and more! Let's Connect!

The Kingdom Connection 2023

Connection is a pillar of our vision here at Kingdom Industries United.
The Kingdom Connection virtual events for 2023 (KC2023) is one of our Unity Projects that has been organized and facilitated in our efforts to connect and build relationships across the body of believers! This outreach is intended to demonstrate Kingdom collaboration and connection as leaders from across the nation and world join together to unite and build up one another. Be strengthened, equipped, prayed for, and much more through this resource of sound counsel, tips, advice and the like available here at KIU. Remember, we are stronger together and you are not alone!

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Book with Paul

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 Kingdom Industries United is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit public charity dedicated to
Uniting the Kingdom of God, One Connection at a Time in all we do!
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